Tuesday, January 13, 2009

More Gen X in the White House shit

I'm starting to like posting these because it drives the imaginary Generation Jones dickheads crazy.

Oh, I know, nothing is quite so neat and tidy—an entire generation doesn't have precise boundaries and certainly doesn't experience exactly the same thing at the same time. But several landmark events signal a change.

One, of course, is President-elect Obama. His swearing in later this month will mark the end of 16 years of Boomer presidents. While some might quibble over the official dividing line between the generations, I would argue that Obama is not a Boomer. Generation X is stepping to the fore.


Anonymous said...

Amen to that, brother.

Jennifer Chronicles (jenx67.com) said...

"Imaginary Generation Jones." LOVE IT.

Gen-X Rising has a great post on why Obama is an Xer.