GenXster making $ off of fools
I admire anyone who takes a dope's money.This is not to suggest cause and effect. Or to imply that Mr. Buchanan-Smith, a graphic designer who has advised Isaac Mizrahi and Philip Glass, redesigned two icons — Paper magazine and, with Maira Kalman, Strunk & White’s “Elements of Style” — and won a Grammy for an album cover he made for his favorite band, Wilco, is in any way down on his luck. The axes, you see, have done really well.
Made by a secret source in Maine, and hand-painted by Mr. Buchanan-Smith, 38, in his TriBeCa studio (with the help of two art school interns and a full-time employee), the sturdy and beautiful hatchets have gone viral.
Didn't you ever want a hatchet when you were growing up?
Oh, BB, him with a hatchet??? Oh,no!!
I would have had a 'missing' little sister if I had a hatchet.
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