Thursday, June 19, 2008

Heavy Metal Rankings

Yahoo compiled a list of the 25 Best Heavy Metal bands. Normally I hate these fuckin' things, but 'they had me at Slayer coming in at #11'. So far, this is the only publication I've ever seen that have given Slayer their due.

They also listed the 25 worst Hair Metal bands. I lived through this era, and there isn't much on this list that I argue except for Skid Row clocking in at #2.

So here's a big fuck off to Yahoo-

One more thing- enough goddamn Led Zep. They're as much a bluegrass band as they were Metal.


Nixon said...

There used to be a wiki on Ricky that was hilarious, but I can't seem to find out. Maybe wikipedia took it down? This egregious crime can't go unpunished.

Wek said...

Oh I gotta find this. Let me know if you track Ricky down.