Monday, November 24, 2008

Gen X in Pennsylvania Ave and other assorted nonsense

On most days when I use 'the Googles' to find Gen X info I read both babyboomers and GenXsters attempting to claim President Elect Obama as one of their own. This is understandable since Gen X doesn't have much to claim as our own and the boomers will find a way to justify extending their 'legacy' even if the next preznit was born in 1985. Whatever, I suppose this will have to wait to be decided after the last GenXster draws a final breath and the future generations reassemble the history books.

So, here I present to you one person's opinion (keep in mind that "fair and balanced" does not exist in Latchkey Land):

It's truly great to see President-elect, Barack Obama, showing his technology savvy. If anyone is still in doubt, the November 2008 election was a triumph for Generation X. The effective use of technology to "get out the vote" and "energize the base" was critical to the Democratic party's win.

In unrelated nonsense:

I give the Millennial generation a lot of shit, but here's one dude that deserves the Medal of Freedom. If I was the judge in this case I'd throw out the charges against the 24 year old and lock up the other 2 for trying to incite a riot by intentionally botching a Dio song.

In my fucked up town if your brother loses one of your hats it's okay to stab him to death. Please folks, if you're considering moving to FL I'm hear to tell you that it may not be your speed. Just come down and spend your money at the beaches and Disney and don't fuck with the locals. Oh, and if you do vacation here please, please, please DO NOT be on the roads before 9:00 AM and between 5:00 and 7:00 PM. Traffic is horrible in FL cities and nothing makes me want to reach for my revolver more than when a tourist with a map on the steering wheel is contributing to my tardiness getting to work or going home.


Anonymous said...

Yes, indeed...nonsense. The idea that Obama is an Xer is utterly adsurd...anyone who actually studies generational science knows that Obama's personality, biography, worldview, etc. aren't even close to genX.

The blog you link to is yet another good example of GenXers wanting Obama so much to be one of their own, that logic is repeatedly thrown to the wind. The blog author titles her piece "Generation X in the White House" and then early in the piece defines GenX as those born starting in 1966 (Obama was born in 1961). Idiocy.

The truth? As many prominent experts have said: Obama is a member of Generation Jones. Jonesers were born 1954 to 1965--in between the Baby Boomers and Generation X. Anyone interested should google or go to or Wikipedia and you'll see that a consensus is emerging that Obama is part of Generation Jones.

Jennifer Chronicles ( said...

Reference above comment: I am so sick and tired of an entire demographic of people born between 61 and 81 being compartmentalized, generalized, etc. Obama is quintessential GEN X. Like you said - they'll be taking credit for the anomaly born in 1985.

Wek said...

T.W.- yeah, Obama being raised by a single hippy mother has nothing in common with GenXers. Bwahaha! Although I do see his worldview as being somewhat different than your average Xer. And "yes" the author of the blog I linked to is a tard for having labeled Obama an Xer and then defining the generation as having begun in '66. I'm just finding amusement in the different gens attempting to claim the preznit-elect as their own, and I think I made my stance clear: I don't believe generations should be defined until most of the members have died off. Otherwise it will not be objective.

Now let's move onto 'Generation Jones'. Those born in this stated timeframe have also taken the arrogant head first plunge into attempting to label Obama as one of their own. Gen Jones reminds me a bit of the "intelligent design" argument. Sure the rumblings have been there for some time, but it hasn't been until recent times has it come to the forefront and now demanding a seat at the table. But hey, I understand why Jonesers want to separate themselves from the babyboom generation. An honest boomer (difficult to find) will tell you they suck.

Now take a peak at what "prominent experts" have documented throughout Our Nation's history: each generation is approximately 20 years in length. But no, not the Jonesers! They're just so different from any other gen they get their very own 11 year span! This in itself displays the arrogance of a babyboomer. So sorry, it's time for you to accept your "go directly to jail, do not pass go" ticket to boomerdom.