Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Financial Rant

Here's your unsolicited financial advice for the day: Invest in booze, rope manufacturers (for nooses), razor blade companies and poison producers. If the market continues to tank these products will be sold faster than botox to babyboomers.
Fuck it, I don't even care anymore. One week in college I was so broke all I ate was hot dog buns. I didn't even have condiments. That experience prepared me for anything. And remember, if you need to make money fast, all you need is a ski mask and a revolver.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
"I learned it from you, I learned it from watching you!"
Now I know why dead bodies are often pulled out of Tampa Bay. And all along I thought they were just drunk boaters that happened to be Italian.
The federal indictment against him reads like a plot summary for "The Sopranos." The 44-year-old Gotti — son of the late "Dapper Don" of the notorious Gambino crime family — allegedly had his fingers in everything: whacking rivals, trafficking cocaine, bribery, kidnapping and money-laundering. Earlier convictions show Gambino crews have worked for years to get a foothold in the Tampa area's criminal underworld.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Paul Newman - RIP

Thank you for sharing with us your talent and philanthropic spirit. I'm sorry that I'll most remember you for the movie Slapshot.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
How Annoying

Although I'm eternally grateful for Def Jam giving us LL Cool J, Public Enemy and, most importantly in my mind, Slayer; they have completely sucked porn-star-sized-dick since the mid 90's.
Anyway, I just wanted you to see this stupid shoe-gazing, filled with self importance video from 90's era GenXsters that probably dropped out of architecture school to produce a few good songs and then become forgotten about like the one night stand I had in Nashua, NH over a decade ago.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Sometimes I route for Xers to fall

During my lunch break today, I decided to walk up to Wollman Rink in Manhattan’s Central Park to check out David Blaine’s latest stunt. I have better things to do with my time, to be sure, but I’ve always been curious about David Blaine: Not in that “Oh, he’s so amazing” way, but in that “What is this guy’s deal?” way. Apparently, I’m not the only cynic around. I overheard a few middle-aged ladies walking ahead of me,saying, “He’s just doing a stupid stunt; he’s not a magician.”
Great ones can never hang it up
NEW YORK (AP)—Lance Armstrong is chasing an eighth Tour de France title and an elusive feat: persuading everyone he’s clean.
As Armstrong reunites with his close friend and Astana team director Johan Bruyneel, the man behind his yellow jerseys, he’s also adding a new member to his support group. Anti-doping expert Don Catlin has been hired to test Armstrong anytime, anywhere—and to post the results online for the world to see.
As Armstrong reunites with his close friend and Astana team director Johan Bruyneel, the man behind his yellow jerseys, he’s also adding a new member to his support group. Anti-doping expert Don Catlin has been hired to test Armstrong anytime, anywhere—and to post the results online for the world to see.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I miss simplicity

Monday, September 22, 2008
"Punks jump up to get beat down"
Sadat X, original member of the Brand Nubians, will be releasing a new solo album.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I'm kinda pissed at the moment
...so I don't feel like putting anything Pop Culture-eee up. Although, I did do a post on a great GenXster on Operation Yellow Elephant.
Slowly, one by one, I started telling my friends about how I was being called back up to go to Iraq, and their reactions were all the same, yet all different. Some got angry, some cried, some wondered, "Wow, they can do that?" The best was the reaction I received from my one Republican friend, who asked me if it was possible for him to come with me to Iraq. He never enlisted in the military and wanted to hurry and sign up so that he and I could go there together, which instantly reminded me of how not long ago, George Bush was telling a group of soldiers about how much he envies them, talking about how "exciting" and "romantic" war must be. I guess Vietnam wasn't "exciting" or "romantic" enough for the president, and that's why he blew it off. But Iraq was much different.
And like Bush, my Republican friend was all atwitter about the prospect of seeing combat in Iraq, and he sounded really enthusiastic about this idea of his, and as desperate as the Army is for bodies, it wouldn't amaze me at all if he could possibly do it, but I told him no, that he couldn't, and when he asked if I was sure about that, I lost it and said, "Jason, I'm going back to Iraq because you didn't!"
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
When Hip Hop Mattered
I've always been envious of those that can harness anger and dispense an intelligent response to injustice.
I still haven't a clue how this great band dissolved as quickly as they ascended? Although they should be touring soon.
I still haven't a clue how this great band dissolved as quickly as they ascended? Although they should be touring soon.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Don't try to one up me, LT.

For instance:
1.) A Tampa woman thought it would help her cause if she told a 911 operator she'd take an AK-47 and "stick it in the 911 operator's mouth and shoot it".
2.) Mary Davis tried to run over a policeman, missed him, then she fell out of the minivan and was run over by it.
3.) What happens when roommates argue about a girlfriend in Florida? One roommate gets a steak knife in the gut.
4.) How many people come home and find an SUV in their pool.....WITH 2 DEAD BODIES INSIDE.
5.) "Father lays pipe to the head of a boy laying the pipe to his daughter"
6.) Oh, you wanna tell a Floridian how to water his plants, do ya? Well we might just chase you back to your property with a machete.
(I don't think I'm helping our tourist industry by posting this)
*all stories sourced from Fark.com.
Market down 500+
Sunday, September 14, 2008
David Foster Wallace 1962-2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Brilliant insight, as always

It was appropriate that my journey to Iraq ended like it began - on September 11. Six years earlier (September 2001) as a sophomore in high school, I had already made up my mind about joining the Army. The attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon simply sealed the deal. I didn't discuss what kind of job I wanted with my recruiter or the dude that signed my papers. I wanted to go infantry. I wanted to put a bullet in the heart of any Taliban that crossed my path. I wanted them to pay dearly with their lives.
As fate would have it, I wasn't bound for the mountains of Afghanistan but the septic waste strewn cities of Iraq. I don't regret for one second my experiences there, both of triumph and tragedy. My battalion led the way in perhaps the most daring offensive of the whole war to capture al-Qaeda in Iraq's self proclaimed capital of Baqubah. The men I had the utmost pleasure to serve with will be my closest friends until the day I die. It's all downhill from here; I'll never make new friends that are on the same level of the men I shared life, love and loss with during our fifteen month combat deployment.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A rare moment when everything was perfect
Huge crowds, stuffed pants, big hair, a wall of Marshalls and groupies.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Our rich pricks are better than...
....their rich pricks.
If anyone donates to either of the organizations above please let me know in the comments. I'll match the 1st $100 with my own (yeah, I'm a sucker for the honor system).
Members of generation X may be in big trouble when it comes to savingsWek's heartless advice: Do not give to a charity that will directly help a boomer. Start with the most helpless, voiceless cause (a la Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) and work your way onto the next older. Or help out those that put their lives on the line for us.
and retirement, but it turns out that they're more philanthropic than older generations. A new survey from Northern Trust found that gen X millionaires give nearly twice as much, on average, to charitable causes as their elders.
If anyone donates to either of the organizations above please let me know in the comments. I'll match the 1st $100 with my own (yeah, I'm a sucker for the honor system).
Monday, September 8, 2008
I'm sure he had it coming
but it was still kinda fucked up.
Oasis singer Noel Gallagher was attacked on stage in Canada during a concert by the British band on Sunday night, sending him to hospital with a suspected broken rib.
I don't hate the band Oasis even though they unapologetically aped the Beatles sound for Pablo Escobar piles of money. The Gallagher bros lived to piss people off and they succeeded brilliantly.
The crime caught on film:
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Another boring financial post
....but I know how many GenXsters are slacking on their retirement savings.
Play for the match. It's hard to do anything with your money that's better than investing in a 401(k) plan when your employer matches part of your contribution. The most typical match is 50 percent of your contribution up to 6 percent of your salary, meaning that the employer will kick in as much as 3 percent of your salary. If you make $35,000 a year and contribute $2,100 (at $40 a week), your company will add an additional $1,050. That's a 50 percent rate of return on your investment, before you even invest. A true no-brainer. Force yourself to do that by signing up for an automatic paycheck deduction. You won't miss what you never see.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Conventions finally over. Need Metal.
An unexpected endorsement was handed to Senator Obama from Motorhead (H/T: Sadly, No!). I'm not sure why the Englishmen are choosing to get involved with American politics, but we're looking forward to their up coming interview in Metal Sludge.
Actually I can't confirm Motorhead's political leanings. I'll guess they're somewhere between Attila the Hun and Johnny Rotten.
"It's Obama! It's Obama!"
Actually I can't confirm Motorhead's political leanings. I'll guess they're somewhere between Attila the Hun and Johnny Rotten.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
An Honorary GenXster
He was a baby boomer by birth, but they never appreciated him for the, yes, brilliant comedian he was.
Welcome Andy and RIP
Welcome Andy and RIP
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Sweet Labor Day Weekend

Ahh fuck it, I live in the wave deprived Gulf of Mexico side of FLA. Known sardonically by the local surfers as "The Lake of Mexico". You gotta enjoy the swells while you can and hope like hell no one else gets hit hard by the storm.
If you're on FL's west coast, and need a great surf website, go to Gulfster.com.
Note: Zat ain't me in the pic. To see a pic of me look at the post directly below this one. As a 36 year old I haven't aged well.
Apply no sympathy to their wounds

Americans are changing the game plan for retirement, with millions laboring right past the traditional retirement age and working into their late 60s and beyond.
While the average retirement age remains 63, that standard may soon be going the way of the gold watch — a trend expected to accelerate as baby boomers close in on retirement without sufficient savings.
As a result they've once more bent us over a garbage can and are giving us the hot beef colonic since there will be fewer promotions for us to obtain and fewer jobs for us to apply to.
Oh yeah, I hope everyone had an excellenty weekend!
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