Monday, October 11, 2010


Naked athletes on I'd feel honored if a magazine wanted to post pics of my butt. Although I think there's little interest in people desiring to see the tush of a bad blogger/amateur surfer/IT industry worker.

NOTE: looks like the ladies have more eye candy than us dudes.


Bag Blog said...

What is it about naked bodies that makes you want to look; not want to look; want to look...

Sisu said...

Herschel Freaking Walker! Way to rock 48! How come no one hears about Herschel anymore? At least no one that looks like me? Perhaps I should watch more ESPN...

Wek said...

BB- it's weird, but humans cannot help themselves. I'll even look at a fat, ugly girl for a moment.

K- Walker is a genetic freak. Most 21 y/o pro athletes don't look like him at age 48.