Wednesday, May 28, 2008

We're being erased from history...

...get over it!

We may not command the kind of demographic force that the 80 million-plus Y-ers wield, but we X-ers are still here, thank you very much. I’d love to see more books, movies, newspaper articles and TV shows dissect our lives, loves and lusts, just as they’ve done for the boomers, Y-ers and millenials. We’re just as self-obsessed as they are; we just need someone to cater to that craving for recognition. Where once we were dismissed as lazy slackers who refused to get “real” jobs, we’re now largely responsible for ushering in one of the wildest and most successful revolutions in history, that of the Internet. Give us some credit. We may not be big, but we’re still a force to be reckoned with.

Personally, the last thing I hope for are dumbass teevee shows depicting our lives (Friends was bad enough). And if you want a book please read Gordinier's X Saves the World. Jeebus, if this writer is "self-obsessed" maybe we can get the millenials to accept her as one of their own.

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