Good, I hate these fucking things
McMansions have destroyed so much scenery in Florida over the past 15 years I can't feel more happy than to see their owners take it in the ass. Besides, truly wealthy people don't try to impress by stuffing as much house as possible on an acre of land. They've been called McMansions, Starter Castles, Garage Mahals and Faux Chateaus but here's the latest thing you can call them - History.
In the past few years, there have been an increasing number of references made to the "McMansion glut" and the "McMansion backlash," as more towns pass ordinances against garishly large homes, which are generally over 3,000 square feet and built very close together.
What sets a McMansion apart from a regular mansion, according to Wikipedia, are a few characteristics: They're tacky, they lack a definitive style and they have a "displeasingly jumbled appearance."
Well, count 2010 as the year the last nail was hammered into the McCoffin: In its latest report on home-buying trends, real-estate site Trulia declares: "The McMansion Era Is Over."
Those are pretty ugly. I have never understood why people would spend money on a big house in a city crowded into a neighborhood rather than buy land and put their house away from everyone. I live in a little house on 75 acres - what is wrong with me. Yesterday my city nephews showed up and shot their guns, rode our motorcycles, played with my big dogs, (drank beer) and we bothered no neighbors.
The house I live in suits me just fine. And, geez, I don't have a theater room or an exercise room or seven bedrooms and 12 bathrooms!!! Plus, like they said, most of those houses are built so close together, it's crazy!
BB has the right idea!! House and lots of land.
I'm all location. Small place that's 2 blocks from the Gulf
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