Random Reflection
As a guitarist a question I've been asked throughout the years is "who are your guitar idols". If I don't answer fast enough, or if the questioner likes to put words in my mouth they'll often interject the names of "Hendrix", "Page", or even "Clapton". The truth is none of these boomer heroes had any influence on me plugging into an amp. Guitarists Gregg Ginn (Black Flag), Dr. Know (Bad Brains) and Kirk Hammett (Metallica) will forever be the reason I started and remain picking up my axe.NOTE: If you're in Florida, and your metal band needs a really bad lead guitarist, send me an E-mail as I might be interested.
Sweet ass V, wek!
I wanted to use a pic for this post, and after what you said about the V on your site the other day, I had to use this one.
It's true; codgers looove their Hendrix, Page, and Clapton. Now Hendrix was a genius; he's pretty much one of a kind. Clapton and Page, well, I think their reputations are a bit inflated. They came along just when big bidness collided with rock'n'roll, and they've certainly reaped the benefit of being among the first to be packaged as arena-accessible virtuosos. They're good, of course, but not to the exclusion of every guitar player after them; thanks, generation(s) of Classic Rock Radio!
My favorite guitar players are guys I met comin' up in Baltimore; every bit as good as "nationally known" guys, but that doesn't make for good conversation with greybeards. And, as I hit my mid-thirties, I've got fuddy-duddy tastes in guitar players. Teenage Me and Angry Young Man Me would have pointed their fingers and laughed at Present-Day Me, but I'm too much of a fud to care. Link Wray, Duane Eddy, Nokie Edwards and Davie Allan; they're just FUN in a way Classic Rock and Serious Rock never is.
Personally I am a fan of Hendrix and some of Zep (hate the "I wish I was from Mississippi blues" that sprung up from England), but any Clapton that comes on the radio gets switched real quick by me.
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