Sunday, December 28, 2008

Anarchy in the UK

Damn, they're a bunch of boomer dicks in England (this asshole claims to be a GenXster, but we know better).
With his usual penchant for hyperbole, Martin Amis claimed on the Today programme last week that “a kind of civil war” is looming between the generations. Baby-boomers, he said, have enjoyed the best of the economic upswing of the 1980s, growing rich on property and investments and basking in their final-salary pensions, and now their children will have to pay for it.

Raised lazy and irresponsible on the fat of their parents’ achievements, these Generation Xers are crashing back to earth facing likely redundancy, the possibility of never owning their own home and the task of caring for their ageing parents – a population set to outnumber the working young. Which means that the notoriously selfish Generation X will have to dig even deeper to fund the National Health Service, social care and state pensions for the vast army of postwar babies who have frolicked through the past 50 years. Result: burning resentment and even violence.


Jennifer Chronicles ( said...

what a jerk...

Well, my big project for 2009 is a collection of essays by Gen X men. Are you interested in writing one? I will be trying to find a publisher, and I have one in mind. I will post a simple contract on the Internet as soon as I find a host site for docs. All proceeds will divided equally among essayists and editors. Essays - 500 to 2,000 words. Any Gen X subject. I've asked Junkdrawer 67, Old Man Neill so far.

Wek said...

Jen- sure, that sounds cool. Shoot me a detail with anything else I should know: