Wednesday, December 17, 2008

This is the lamest article on all the 'internets'

I don't care if this azzhole was born in 1970, she is forever barred from being a GenXster. I'd rather drag my nutz across a mile of broken glass than have to read this again.

“It’s so great to be a member of Generation X,” I said to my husband last week on my 47th birthday. He’s 51, a member in good standing of the baby boom generation.

“What are you talking about?” he asked.

“It’s so great to be a member of Generation X,” I repeated more loudly, thinking that perhaps he hadn’t heard me the first time. I smiled sweetly, as one does around the elderly.

“If you’re Gen X, then I’m Gen X,” he said.

“You can’t be Gen X, you’re 51,” I snapped.


Jennifer Chronicles ( said...

what can we expect from someone who names her daughter CLEMENTINE? gawwww.

i agree. that droned on forever and ended up nowhere. what a waste of space.

Anonymous said...

Nah, don't feel bad. Her stuff is generally derided as awful. I'm sad the door is even open slightly enough to put her in the Gen X camp (by dint of her birthyear). Like you, I'd rather slam that door shut on her.

Gawker once had some choice bits on her rather too-obvious and cringe-inducing observations, once calling her "The Times' 'families use computers now' beat reporter."

Wek said...

Jen- yeah, that article had the most predictable about face I've read in some time.

Ice- too funny. I may just continue to read her garbage and post on it just so I can have a resident punching bag for this blog.