Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fear Generation?

From our buds in Australia:
This week it’s Gen X’s turn: so any readers out there who are roughly between ages 29 and 45 – what are the important money issues in your life?

In terms of parenting (getting the “Mum” part of “Money” in there), according to University of Southern Queensland education lecturer Alice Brown, you’re likely to be a “Fear Generation”. “This climate of fear is concerned for children becoming obese, fears of skin cancer, fears of children drowning, fears of children getting diabetes,” she says. “As a consequence of their fears, many Generation Z children are finding themselves indoors with limited opportunities for play, fun or physical activity.”
I suppose this is a cultural difference since it seems as though United States parents encourage childhood obesity and diabetes.


Kath said...

Limited opportunities for play?? Seems like they all have Nintendos and Wii's and X-boxes. Which, of course is in between updating their MySpace page and their Twitter postings.

I don't know when they have a free hand to shove all this fattening food in their face.

Wek said...

No doubt! All kids of every gen eat junk, but you have to go outside and burn those calories.

Jennifer Chronicles (jenx67.com) said...

a friend of mine might write a guest post about this for my blog...he needs to!