Tuesday, August 4, 2009

People should turn to booze, not food

I don't think I really have a 'comfort food' ......although I allow myself 2 'cheat meals' a week and that usually involves eating something like little dead chicken parts dipped it hot sauce or a pizza topped with 3 different species of animal.
Until now, I didn't even know there was an organization called the Center for Culinary Development and Packaged Facts. Or are they two different groups? Oh, who gives a damn -- the interesting news is the packaged facts, as it were: Of the 3,700 men and women interviewed for the study, near half (46 percent) of "men and women across the Boomer, Gen X and Gen Y segments say they turn to baked goods, sweets and desserts for comfort verses 19 percent who cite entrees, 14 percent salty snacks, and 4 percent breakfast foods."


Kath said...

You scare me sometimes -- you allow yourself two cheat meals a week? Scared to ask what you eat the rest of the time. Is it all salads and tofu? You make me feel so guilty!!

My comfort food would be lasagna or rigatoni, some stuffed shells -- you know, just the basics. :)

Wek said...

I eat a lot. A REAL LOT. Although it is fairly healthy with much protein.

Tofu? Not a chance. I wouldn't even feed that to an Al Qaeda prisoner.