Too late for them
Sorry, asshole. You spent a lifetime throwing your shit around like a monkey at a zoo so even if you decide to start mopping you'll never have enough time to clean up the mess you left. The postwar generation was the first to refuse to grow up, but Gen-X and the rest have followed in their footsteps. And the selfish, heedless, if-it-feels-god-do-it approach enshrined by young boomers subsequently enabled the risk-taking, party-hearty paradigm that has governed so much of American life, economically and otherwise, for the last quarter century. Now in the twilight of their hegemony, with this crisis and the necessary reshaping of America, the boomers have their last best shot at helping to straighten out the mess they helped make. In their empty-nested years, for instance, perhaps they can channel some of the vast energies and micromanagement they lavished on their children to pro-social enterprises and volunteer work
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