Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year to ya

Maybe I wasn't paying attention?
Generation X is now, mercifully, no longer discussed, possibly because its members are too old to be of interest, and Generations Y and Z passed without much notice because no one ever had a clue who those phrases referred to. In fact, since 9/11 and the recession, the media have generally abandoned their attempts to name and define generational traits, possibly because everybody in the western world appears to be in the same economic and cultural boat.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
For those lucky ones in Tulsa

December 30, 2009: Tulsa is getting the next generation of radio as Clear Channel’s KQLL-FM has become KTGX-FM, "106.1 Gen X Radio." The station will feature music from the 80’s and 90’s and will cross musical genres by featuring Grunge, Hip Hop, Hair Bands, Boy Bands and others. Representative artists will include U-2, Eminem, Dave Matthews, Madonna and Pearl Jam.
Already a problem in FL

For 60 years, Mary Schaaf has had a driver's license, and now, at the age of 86, she finds she's driving more than ever.That's because her friends are not. One by one, they have surrendered their car keys, their independence overtaken by fading eye sight, slowing reflexes and physical infirmities that make navigating the fast-paced roads of Montgomery County too risky.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Get me to 2010 immediately, if not, sooner.

Same life, different person.
Our parents grew up knowing what their careers would look like: stable job, long stints in one or two companies, early retirement. My generation never had a plan, and that has helped us appreciate our successes and cope with our professional missteps and setbacks.
And boy, what setbacks we’ve had. I’ve been laid off four times so far and my resume looks like a toxic waste dump of high-flying publications that fell hard and fast into the great abyss of a media graveyard. It turns out I made a particularly poor choice in careers, but I’m a survivor.
I’ve always had a job and yet I've never had job security. It’s the only reality I know.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Finally back.
And, for you, some music.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Another reason to turn the page on a fuck-awful decade
If you're unemployed...
As I have been reconnecting with my professional network, I’ve realized that I belong to Generation X, a cohort characteristically described as being independent, situational, and comfortable with change and diversity. We are at ease with using digital technology to run simulations and mathematical models, to conduct business, and to maintain social relationships.
Each of our cultural generations have faced unique challenges as we lived through defining moments of economic and social changes. Though my life experiences have been unique to me and have played a part in shaping the person I have become — some aspects really do not differ significantly from the challenges faced by my generational peers. When sharing my personal narrative, I have been occasionally met with expressions of disbelief followed by support. Here’s how I try to combat the stereotypes of the ’slacker’ generation that I belong. Below are the more common questions I have fielded recently from my network:
Monday, December 21, 2009
Non-Tiger related golf news
There are many ways of getting yourself banned from exclusive country clubs. Being poor or a minority are probably the most common, but letting them film a golf-themed porno there is probably the most exciting.
Raul Quintana owned a number of condos on exclusive Fisher Island, just off of Miami Beach. One day last year, he rented out one of the units to a "representative from a modeling agency" that wanted to hold a "photo shoot." You can imagine where this went.
Yes, the "photo shoot" turned out to be the filming of "A Sexy Golfing Experience," on the high-class site "Ass Parade." We'll let the Miami New Times pick it up from here.
If you have to ask "are we getting old"
I'm not saying younger generations are sensory-deprived. It just seems that we Boomers use our senses more naturally and in more situations. We didn't grow up in front of televisions and computer screens. We spent more time outside, learned and experienced things in different ways. I wonder if it explains how we still approach the world, and maybe life. Likely it's true for every generation. I wonder what the Gen X-ers will say about Generation Y.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
The East Coast Blew up this weekend
Thursday, December 17, 2009
In case you're interested...
MIRAMAR, Fla. -- A South Florida woman whose husband won the lottery and then left her was set to be evicted from her home Tuesday evening.
But Local 10’s camera was rolling when Donna Campbell received an early Christmas present.
Campbell was given until Tuesday to pack up and leave the Miramar home she once shared with her husband, Arnim Ramdass.
A little weird, I guess

Putting a beloved comic in a TV commercial is a great idea. But when he's dead? Not so much.The local car dealers always have George Washington and Abe Lincoln giving us a sales pitch about the Presidents Day sale.
Last October, DirecTV ran a spot with a scene from 1995's "Tommy Boy." The comedy starred David Spade and Chris Farley, who died of a drug overdose in 1997. In the commercial, Spade "broke character" to shill for the satellite TV provider as a resurrected Farley performed his "Fat-Guy-in-a-Little-Coat" dance.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Game on!

Meanwhile, the number of Generation X'ers (or those born between 1966 and 1982, a demographic that includes yours truly) with a gaming console at home surged from 53 percent three years ago to 70 percent today, according to the VentureBeat story, while 44 percent of baby boomers (born between 1947 and 1965) now have a console in the living room.
Boomers that deserve praise

This should have happened years ago.
The Stooges have finally graduated from the Fun House to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
The pioneering Ann Arbor punk rockers will be admitted into the Rock Hall's Class of 2010, organizers announced Tuesday. They'll be inducted March 15 alongside ABBA, Genesis, the Hollies and Jimmy Cliff at New York's Waldorf Astoria hotel.The Stooges were becoming perennial also-rans on the Rock Hall ballot, always the sweaty, peanut butter-slathered bridesmaid but never the bride. Now, things have been righted for the visceral rockers, who formed in the late 1960s in Ann Arbor.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
This world has gone mad

Arrogant Motherfuckers
According to a survey by the Scripps Howard News Service and Ohio University, "Baby Boomers" have more fun and better music than generations on either side of us. Forty-four percent of respondents said we boomers have the most fun in life and 43% said our music was significantly better than that of either the WW2 (Silent) generation or Gen X-ers. Anyone surprised?
How did the music that typified the feelings of rebellion and unfettered love, evolve from the music that separated my generation from my parents’, and become the music that my kids still love today?
Stephanie Seymour

When a “fairy-tale” marriage goes bad, the ending can be extremely grim. Amid the storm of allegations surrounding the divorce of supermodel Stephanie Seymour and tycoon Peter Brant—substance abuse! art theft! child neglect! brutal security guards!—Mario Testino photographs one marital asset that is indisputably Seymour’s.
Monday, December 14, 2009
The U

The best cultural documentary I've seen in awhile. One doesn't have to like sports to appreciate.
Throughout the 1980s, Miami, Florida, was at the center of a racial and cultural shift taking place throughout the country. Overwhelmed by riots and tensions, Miami was a city in flux, and the University of Miami football team served as a microcosm for this evolution. The image of the predominantly white university was forever changed when coach Howard Schnellenberger scoured some of the toughest ghettos in Florida to recruit mostly black players for his team. With a newly branded swagger, inspired and fueled by the quickly growing local Miami hip hop culture, these Hurricanes took on larger-than-life personalities and won four national titles between 1983 and 1991. Filmmaker Billy Corben, a Miami native and University of Miami alum, will tell the story of how these “Bad Boys” of football changed the attitude of the game they played, and how this serene campus was transformed into “The U.”

The death of World Wrestling Entertainment superstar Edward Fatu, who wrestled under the name "Umaga," has sparked discussion in wrestling circles over the rigors of the sport.
Fatu, 36, died Friday of a heart attack in a hospital in Houston, Texas, a family friend confirmed.
Also known as "The Samoan Bulldozer," the 6-foot-4-inch, 350-pound wrestler earned a reputation for executing moves with more ease than one might expect from someone his size, facing off in high-profile bouts with WWE celebrities such as Triple H and Ric Flair.
In their minds they're always the victims
Welcome, Baby Boomers. In another year or two you're going to start retiring and joining us old folks. You better get ready. After all these decades of being the toast of the town, the biggest-ever generation to whom attention must be paid, you're about to become passé.
Or not.
For generations, elders in America have been treated the way you used to treat that kid in your class who was just a little smaller or weaker, a little different. We've been dissed as unattractive, unproductive, unequal, and decidedly uncool.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
If you want something done....

The Only Journalist that Matters (a GenXster, too)

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Sorry Dime

Love ya, man.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Florida Wildlife Announcement

In most other states this would be obvious.
State wildlife officials are warning folks not to pick up the remains of dead bears found along Florida's highways and roads, following a Volusia County incident last week in which a roadkill bear was removed from a scene and then skinned and butchered.
New Pumpkins!

Luckily for me the Pumpkins – well, Billy Corgan and some other people are regaining their credibility by releasing a 44 track album for free from their site. A new track every week or so, by the looks of things. They’ll eventually be collected up into four 11 track EPS. Eshewing the music industry conventions has become the defacto statement by 90s alt rockers – NIN being the other big name – sticking it to the man by releasing apps rather than albums.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
This would beach a whale

Heavy traffic backed up for miles Monday along roads leading to Oahu's North Shore. Some of the world's most daring surfers took on the powerful and dangerous waves, which forecasters say could reach heights of 50 feet.
Would you like a hamburger with that lipstick?

PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla. (AP) -- A 25-year-old Port St. Lucie man was arrested for allegedly rubbing a hamburger on his wife's face during an argument.
So you want to retire, huh?
- Work during retirement
- Spend less during retirement
- Retire later to accumulate more $.
Monday, December 7, 2009
What about us?
It looks like the Democratic Senators are exploring the possibility of expanding Medicare to those 55-64 years of age. Fucking great. What about the non-babyboomers that don't have insurance or are existing with shitty insurance? The boomers were graced with the greatest economy of any generation over their lifetime, so I have little tolerance for them getting a perk no one else is eligible for.
If this gets signed as it's presently being framed the Democrats can expect huge losses in the upcoming elections. And they'd deserve it. I don't even think the youngins' would necessarily go over to the Republicans, either - the last election showed that Gen Y hate their guts. The youthy ones will just embrace apathy as us GenXsters did during the 1980's and 90's.
Gawd, I miss the days when I just laid around not even caring about getting fucked over by the old goons in office. Somewhere along the line I fucked up and began caring about little things like how our tax dollars were spent. Shame on me.
I'm a little late on this one

Actress Meredith Baxter revealed recently that she is a lesbian. Her news was news only because Baxter had so fully established an image of perfectly happy wife-hood in her role as the mom in the long-running 1980s sitcom "Family Ties."
Right next to the King Tut exhibit

I'm struggling to form an opinion on this.
That institution -- also known as the venerable Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences -- is preparing to celebrate the decade that gave the building its distinctive postmodern design (there's another 80s buzzword), an amalgam of industrial building and contemporary architecture, heavy on the vernacular.
The 80s Are Back is an exhibition that examines Australian life and popular culture in the 80s: the styles, trends and subcultures, and how they found expression in fashion, design, music, film and television.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
If you saw this sign outside of a restaurant what would you think?

Friday, December 4, 2009
You're a GenXster!
In her 8 year career, Erica has experienced more change and uncertainty than her Baby Boomer parents ever dreamed of. It’s reflective of her generation. Those in Generation X and even Y are far more equipped to navigate change than previous generations. According to About.com those in Generation X are “…independent, resourceful and self-sufficient, they are the “… first generation to grow up with computers, technology woven into their lives.” In fact, Erica had her first computer in elementary school, remembers their first laptop that was so huge they had to pack in a suitcase for travel and even remembers the first two way pager her dad had at his job with IBM - it was as big as a her lunchbox.
I understand their significance. Really I do.

Thanks mom for introducing me to Paul, John, George and Ringo. I’ve introduced them to my son as well. All is good with the world! Gen-X’ers – what type of music are you introducing your kids too?I guess he didn't listen to the great college radio during the 80s and 90s. He'd have known Gen X made some awesome-ist music, too.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Take care Bobby
I can't say I'll miss him and all the losses he gave the Florida Gators, but I'll give Bobby his due. He probably coached more great GenXsters than anyone else.
I'm even willing to perform a sacrilegious act and put some FSU highlights on this site:
In keeping with the AIDS theme today
Strange days back then
In the early 1980's, when AIDS was rearing it's ugly head, Generation X was just coming of age. Many of our parents were divorcing, and our older boomer siblings were in and out of confusing relationships. This might be why AIDS, for most of us, was a distant disease. As a generation, we are more faithful than our boomer predecessors and have had fewer partners than our millenial successors. For Gen X, relationships are important. I'm not implying that they aren't important for boomers or millenials, but for Gen X, it's different. We look for fidelity; we look toward sharing. We look for long-lasting, meaningful relationships in ways the other generations don't.I don't agree so much on our "meaningful relationships". Gen X has fucked up marriages as badly as the boomers.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Fuck the wheel.

Russian professor Evgeny Moskalev of Saint Petersburg Technological University has evolved a technique that allows turning alcohol into powder and packing it in pills. The new technique can solidify any kind of alcohol, including whisky, cognac, wine and beer. The new technique can solidify any kind of alcohol, including whisky, cognac, wine and beer.
Too late

This is an open letter to Hollywood movie producers, studios, directors and anyone else out to inadvertently ruin the cartoons, video games & toys that I grew up with by creating and releasing terrible films. Stop. Just stop it already. There are tons of talented screenwriters out there that have written some great original work. Give them a chance. You’ll spend less and you’ll no longer be destroying the building blocks of my childhood entertainment. I think I speak for most of my generation (somewhere between generation X and generation Y) in this regard.