Thursday, January 22, 2009

America Goes On

LT Nixon, the last GenXster ever born, has written a short story based on....well, let the LT tell us:
Thanks for stopping by. This is a short story entitled America Goes On about redemption and disillusionment of an Iraq veteran in modern

My name's LT Nixon and I'm a soon-to-be-going on terminal leave Navy guy who spent some time in Iraq awhile back. I also blog here, here, and here. I first came up with the idea for this short story when I saw a Marine looking down in a smoke pit at Ali Al-Saleem Airbase, Kuwait back in June 2007. It's a logistics hub for military and civilian personnel traveling into and out of Iraq/Afghanistan. You see a lot of people come through the Kuwaiti purgatory, and I was amazed at the amount of stories everyone had. Of course, everybody chats it up in this environment, because there is literally nothing to do until you wait for your trip into the combat zone or back home. I also thought about how many of those I saw that went through the Kuwaiti logistics hub never made it back. I wrote this story a few months ago but just got around to publishing it. Hope you enjoy it and feedback/suggestions are encouraged...

Let me give you a little insight about the LT (keep in mind I've never met him in person, and know him only from blogging and exchanging emails mocking what we perceive as nonsense): LT Nixon became the most opinionated Milblogger in the history of Milblogs. A noteable accomplishment considering the stiff competition he faces. As a youngster he probably pissed off his teachers by correcting their grammar. His bullshit detector "goes to 11" and he has no tolerance for babied peers, especially celebrities (although I suspect he'd still want to nail Paris Hilton as bad as he would like to tell her off). LT Nixon's blog became a must read for those that have no trust in the media's coverage of Our Country's current conflicts. While in Iraq his thoughts were much more honest than his superiors may have been comfortable with, but he provided a keyhole peek into the life of a deployed servicemen that us civilians cannot fully grasp.

So with that, heeeeeeeeeere's Nixon!


Anonymous said...

It's probably wonderful, but I'm scared to read it, you know how gloom and doom he is. (But please don't tell him I said so.)


(And I have that typepad whatever thing, I'm just too lazy to do it. So I am Kath-105, don't know why.)

Wek said...

Kath- I was hoping to read it Friday at work during a seminar I was required to attend. But, since our company had layoffs that day, it's going to be rescheduled.

P.S. They didn't draw my #, I still have a job.

Anonymous said...

Planned lay-offs? So you're safe Mon-Thurs and everybody just waits on Fri? Holy mud. What are you, a car salesman?

Wek said...

Anon- no, not a car salesman. I work in I.T. Besides upper mgmt no one knew the layoffs were coming. I was supposed to attend a training seminar on Friday, but they cancelled it.

When they have layoffs at my company it's typically done on a Friday so people have and chance to cool off. They don't want anyone coming back to campus the next day with an AK-47 and light up the place.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, you know that was me. But you live in Florida, right? Aren't people supposed to be happier down there -- sunshine and ocean and all??
