Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Smug Prick

Cliff Mason says:
Being a baby boomer hasn't been in style for decades. My generation grabbed the mantle of coolness years ago, and we took it from generation X. That doesn't mean the 78 million boomers are ready to roll over and admit their time has come and gone.

Although I'm not challenging his above statement about boomers, Cliff doesn't get GenX at all. Hey Cliff, we never cared about teh "coolness". With the media being dominated by wannabe hippie twits it was apparent to us that we'd never have a positive light bulb cast on us. GenX essentially laid on our beds with headphones on and existed in our own little world as back-slapping boomers talked about their imaginary contributions to society and raised your equally self-important generation. And Cliff, even when you were just born you never fooled us as being innocent. The "Baby On Board" signs in the back windows of your Mommy's Volvos gave us insight into the pricks you'd grow up to be.

Begone all you Paris Hilton worshipping 20 Sumthins'. And I think you know where to stick your "coolness".


Jennifer Chronicles ( said...

That's Cliff? A teenager in a suit? Ha!

Wek said...

Probably wears a clip-on tie.