Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Enjoy the now. Even if it does suck.

So, you think baby boomers are screwing us over now? Just wait until they're gone. The last drop of wealth will be buried with the final boomer we throw dirt on.
Generation X. They left school in the last recession, entered the workforce at a dismal time for employment, and have crawled their way through, waiting for the baby boomers to leave. And just when they think, "OK, we're in our 40s, it's our turn" a recession hits again.

The First Home Owner Grant was probably too late for generation X; many were already in the housing market. We still haven't solved things around maternity leave or child care and the Xers then shift that onto the boomers: "Can you look after my child twice a week while I go to work?"


Kath said...

Stop complaining!! My goodness, one would think you didn't have a job, a car, a motorcycle, a surfboard, an ocean -- and most important of all -- a young lady that puts up with you!!

Someday you'll have little Wekkies that will bitch about YOU!

Wek said...

You're correct. I do have some cool stuff and live in a sweet local. And yes, most importantly, I have a awesome girl that thinks I'm occasionally funny. Although if I stopped complaining I'd probably have to shut down this dopey blog or rename it "Life is all Unicorns and Rainbows".

No babies for me. GF and I aren't very paternal. Although we both enjoy being an aunt and uncle.

Jennifer Chronicles (jenx67.com) said...

LOL!!!! There is a local blog in OKC - they remind me of you. THey're The Lost Ogle. Two out of three local news stations have three Ogle brothers/cousins between them. Two are evening anchors. Thus, was born, two years ago, the Lost Ogle. They're enormously successful, but they lost out in a local contest to a mommy blogger. So, one week, they changed their entire blog to pink with hearts all over it. Me thinks you should do this with unicorns and rainbows. I have an idea for a new blog post. "Baby Boomer Monster Under My Bed and Other Generation X Nightmares."

Well, the unicorn comment, got me sidetracked. I came over to tell you that Ross Honeywill has pissed me off. Did you the link on my blog to his CRAP!?!?!

Kath said...

Unicorns and rainbows, no. Please NO!!! Now, Pandas ---- those I could live with.

Wek said...

Ross Honeywell, huh? I'll be over to your blog in a minute.

K- "Life is all Pandas" doesn't have the same ring to it.