Sunday, September 26, 2010

Endless Summer

I don't think education is the magic cure all bullet for Florida's stoopidness, but I'm sorta sure this kid didn't learn that much from playing video games every day during school hours.
DeLAND, Fla. -- A DeLand woman's lax attitude about school attendance landed her in jail, according to the state attorney's office in Volusia County.

Penny Kersey, 32, was arrested after the Volusia County Sheriff's Office discovered her 10-year-old son had missed more than 64 days of school at Freedom Elementary. All of the missed days were unexcused absences.

1 comment:

Bag Blog said...

I had a student that missed at least that many days. His parents showed up one day at school to ask what I had against their son. I told them I had nothing against him - that I didn't even know him. Then I showed them his attendance record. They left in a bit of a huff.