I was fortunate to have a Dad who taught me about cars as I grew up and it was more than just nuts and bolts, but also an appreciation for what these antique cars were capable of in their heyday. Attending car shows and race events made me want to someday own a “muscle car”, and a few years ago we found our 1972 Dodge Demon 340. I will be turning 31 this year, and when I attend local classic car shows I generally find that I am usually the youngest person in attendance. There are other owners my age, but in most cases they are driving much newer vehicles so I’m lead to wonder, is my generation dropping the ball on the classic and antique sports cars?
You gotta know when to turn the page on the past, Mr. Rall. Holding onto what your father held as important is just retardo. Hell, it's not as though baby boomers said "Gee, I gotta have me a 1923 Duesenberg like mah daddy had".
Turn the lights off when the show is over, fer christsakes. I mean, Jeebus, I bet this guy thinks Crosby, Stills and Nash is the most awesomest band evvvahhh, too.