Monday, March 16, 2009

Generational Bickering

Shit. We're starting to sound like babyboomers during the 90's.
Their quest to alter Washington's gay landscape also reveals the tensions between Millennials and Generation Y-ers in their 20s, and Generation X-ers in their mid- to upper 30s and 40s. Some establishment Washingtonians view Rosen's efforts as cliche, a cycle that every so often churns out a batch of strivers who feel entitled to a brand.

"I think every young person thinks they're the new gay," said Kevin Naff, 38, editor of the Blade, where Rosen worked until he was laid off last year. "When I was that age, I thought I listened to all the cool music and knew all the cool places to go -- that's what your 20s are for. I think every new generation wants to have their own music, their own language."

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