Sunday, February 15, 2009

Generation Jones exists..

...along with the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny and baby boomers with good intentions.
I have argued that Obama is part of Generation X, but there are others that say he is part of a newly identified generation, "Generation Jones". In a recent article in USA Today has popularized the concept of a Generation Jones, born between 1954 and 1965. The idea is that there is a generation between The Boomers (born 1943-1960) and Generation X (born 1961-1981) that has traits of both but does not really feel it belongs to either. Although the concept is gaining in popularity as many people born during the Jones timeframe feel it resonates with them, I wonder if the concept really has much value.


Anonymous said...

Geez, why do we have to be put in these little categories?

But then can I claim discrimination if I'm in one and not the other? I'm telling you, it's too confusing!


Anonymous said...


These categories (of generations) are useful for understanding where we are going as a society. They can also be useful in understanding how organizations and relationship work. It's not about just applying a label.

Latchkey Man,

Thanks for the link! I love the name of your blog (took me a minute to get it). I am now subscribed.


Wek said...

Kath, it's a mess. Personally I don't think any generation should be fully defined until a majority of the members are in the dirt.

Dave, thanks for coming by. Excellent site you have. I'm way too undisciplined to research that much.