Monday, February 16, 2009

I'd love to know how the questions were asked..

From Consumerism Commentary:
According to a recent survey of 1,004 individuals born between 1960 and 1980, roughly Generation X, many expect their family or the government to provide care or funding for care as they age.
GenXsters haven't really been accused of being out of touch with reality, so I'm finding it difficult to believe we "expect" family and the guvment to hold our hands through our ancient years. "Hope" maybe, but certainly not "expect".


Jennifer Chronicles ( said...

what a bunch of hooey.

Wek said...

J- Completely. Don't they know that we have plans on living on a commune together and listen to bald headed Nirvana cover bands? J/K!

Anonymous said...


Yeah, I wonder where they got this info from. I don't know many Gen X'ers who thing the government is going to do a darn thing for them in their old age.


Wek said...

Personally, I don't know any. Bringing up Social Security to Xsters is a punch line.

Anonymous said...

I linked to the study results in the post. The powerpoint presentation has contains the questions with the exact wording used in the questionnaire.

Bag Blog said...

I think I can see how this is true more for the tail-end of the Gen X. The more people who grow up in a welfare society will expect the government to take care of them forever. It becomes their right. I have witnessed this attitude quite often while teaching public school in low-economic areas.

Wek said...

Flexo- thanks for coming by. I'll def check it out.