Thursday, February 12, 2009

We lead at something

Get yer shop on.
Many marketers may think the younger the consumers the more likely they are to buy online, but a new report from the Pew Internet and American Life Project disputes that thinking. According to the report Generation X - those between the ages of 33 and 44 - are most likely to be online shoppers, online product researchers and online bankers.


Jennifer Chronicles ( said...

finally, we're #1 on a list. ha. i came across one study that said we have less sex than any other generation. we spend more time with our kids. we buy less - except online it seems. we think church is fake so we're leading the emergent church movement. why can't the world see how perfect we are? HA!!!!

Wek said...

Less sex than any other gen!!!! I'll see what I can do about that!

Anonymous said...

Shopping online bec. no time to wander around a store! Who says less sex? Although, I'm not in bed, I'm online shopping!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, that was me.

And the online banking the same thing -- the bank is so crowded and even the ATMs and the drive-up have lines, so why not do your banking at home.


Wek said...

I hate shopping at stores. HATE IT. Except when I go to a motorcycle shop. Ummmmmm, carbon fiber.....