Thursday, May 7, 2009

Time to break out the leather belt

I'm not a parent, so I don't have much interaction with annoying kiddies that I'm going to tell "get off my lawn" in a few years. I just hope those that are raising kids aren't as horrible as this article suggests. Although one lesson no generation of parents ever seem to learn is their kid is not going to be the Michael Jordan-Albert Einstein combination their bearers think of them as.
On paper, it doesn’t add up. After all, by many accounts Generation X may be the most devoted parents in American history. They are champions of "attachment parenting," the school of child-rearing that calls for a high level of closeness between parents and children, Many Gen-X parents co-sleep with their children, hold them back from entering kindergarten if they feel their children’s emotional maturity is at stake and volunteer at their kids' schools at record rates. Gen-X moms have been famously criticized by early feminists for dropping out of the workforce to care for their young children.

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