Sunday, May 10, 2009

Great job fuckhead!

Despicable Florida redneck, Bucky Dennis, is once again trying to compensate for being hung like a field mouse.
Port Charlotte fisherman Bucky Dennis caught a 1,060-pound hammerhead shark over 13 feet long Thursday morning in Boca Grande Pass. The 12-fathom-deep pass is known for its big tarpon and even bigger sharks. It is not uncommon for anglers to see their tarpon catches bitten in half by big bull sharks and giant hammerheads. To be more precise - great hammerheads.
I know it may seem like he's doing a public service by killing a giant shark, but this weak dick azzhole is all about killing for the sake of killing. People are not on the menu for sharks. Really! I've seen, one time felt, sharks when surfing and they really want nothing to do with peeps. At most they come up, have a look, and go about their business.

Bucky ended the long life of a 1200 LBS hammerhead a few years back that carried 55 pups in her belly, fucking up the ecosystem balance, and now he killed another female during breeding season. Yeah, happy Mothers Day, Bucky. I hope you get hit by a bus.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I have to agree with you on this one. Guess he couldn't go to Africa and kill an elephant, so he does this. It's the same to me. TOTALLY not necessary. It's gross.

And I'm not against hunting or guns or eating meat or anything weird.

But what he did was for "fun" and "sport". That's gross.


Bag Blog said...

"...hung like a fieldmouse..." Once again, you have startled me and made me spew my morning coffee.

Wek said...

Kath- I fish all the time. Kill em and grill em. No big deal. I just find it fucked up to kill an animal for just the sake of killing it. Unless he did it while in the water armed only with a knife.

BB- Sorry! Hope it didn't get on the keyboard.